Friends of RESPIRA

Our main wish and priority is that there is an ever-larger circle of people interested in practicing mindfulness. Being a personal wellbeing practice, we deeply believe in the importance of more and more people having the opportunity to discover it and live it through their own experience.

For this reason, we would like to invite you to join Friends of RESPIRA, a group of people interested in the practice and in our work who wish to support RESPIRA in the medium- and long-term through a monthly donation. This donation can be set up as a monthly direct debit, either by debit or credit card.

With your donation you help children, teachers and communities affected by different types of violence in Colombia to experience the benefits of mindfulness and discover new tools to have greater wellbeing and a better quality of life. As a Friend of RESPIRA, you will furthermore receive:

• An annual donation certificate (issued in February of each year)
• Preferential access and discounts for our training courses and events
• All the information about our projects and where funds have been invested

Thank you so much for believing in our program and for your commitment to contribute to building peace from the inside out. We deeply believe that working on the inside is the basis for shaping a different world on the outside, thus building lasting and sustainable peace for present and future generations.

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"The impacts of RESPIRA are as extraordinary as they are surprising. It is one of the most important programs in terms of the post-conflict process in Colombia because the most powerful result is that the participating teachers conquer their own internal peace, which in turn is necessary and sufficient to enable each one of their students to find more inner peace as well. Experiencing that internal peace is the only condition that guarantees the consolidation of a true social peace in the long term, for which I have always been - and will always be - a great Friend of RESPIRA." (Alejandro Sanz de Santamaría, Bogota)